Berlin – Friedrichshain – Cafe Tasso
When you are in Berlin, you might want to go to Cafe Tasso. In the midst of Friedrichshain, at the Frankfurterallee you find this cosy biological cafe. It feels like a livingroom in a secondhand bookshop; you can buy antique books (mostly German written but affordable for everybody) in one part and have biological food and drinks in the other part. They have a certified biological cafe and not only are they ‘just’ a cafe, it’s a cultural hotspot with concerts, readings and theater at night. They have a terrace too, where we had our lunch with a great view on the Frankfurterallee. It was a very welcome intermission after walking all morning in Berlin. I can still taste my lunch and feel the breeze slowly picking up my hair.
The most beautiful part of it is that people with and without handicaps are working there side by side, that their menu is very good and you can have breakfast until 15:30. Wonderful, right?!
If you would like to try it for yourself:
Cafe Tasso
Frankfurterallee 11
Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
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*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
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