22 – 30 juni – Sum up
So my dear readers, since I wasn’t able to post anything (please tell me if you’ve found a good app that works on your phone to write blogposts – I haven’t found any and was desperate as I was full of inspiration and creativity and wanted to blog about my happiness project every day) because of Blogger that just isn’t suitable to write posts on on your mobile phone and the wifi connection being cut off every once in a while I just have a sum up of the things that made me happy these last couple of days. So hold on to your seats since I am about to blow you away with happy moments! 🙂 I am sorry but this time I will keep it in English only since I have so much stuff to do after coming home. I assure you I will post after this in English and Dutch again.
So you saw the 21st of June – The blogpost which I have made in 30 minutes and still looked like crap. But the fact is: I love blue skies. The ones without any clouds. I simply almost NEVER see such skies in The Netherlands. So blue skies: really wonderful!
22nd of June: Summertime is here! Doesn’t it make you happy that really, literally, eventually, officially SUMMER is here. Now all I can hope for are long days with sun, warmth and laughter.
23rd of June: Tapas. I mean, come on! This concept is so wonderful… and I had missed it. I am a huge eater, but not all at once. So tapas can be great. You get little dishes of somethings to eat and taste everything Spain has to offer. Oh yummy.
24th of June: When I was slowly falling asleep during my siesta time (wish we had those in The Netherlands) I heard the sounds of goats coming down the hill. I didn’t know then that every once in a while a man with a bunch of goats would slowly walk through the valley to keep his goats eating. I loved the sounds of bells and the little sounds of goats. (I like goats, I do!) That really made me feel I was on the countryside.
25th of June: Oh what a special day. I have so many things to tell you guys what made me happy. But I can truly tell you – that I felt really blessed (and I am now not exaggerating at all) that I was at the Alhambra. I have been to Granada before with a really good friend of mine: Elke. We stayed at several cities throughout Spain and Granada was one of them. Of course our goal was to go to the Alhambra, but we weren’t able to do so since it was the peak season and every day was sold out within minutes. Everybody stressed on going to the top of Granada (where the Alhambra is) at 5 o’clock in the morning to sit in line. You should get a big sweater with you as well since it’s really cold outside in those mornings. You had to wait until what… 10 o’clock? Before you would have a ticket. IF you would even get a ticket…. Well now we stood in line for 1 whole hour in the sun (it was extremely hot I can assure you that) with only 10 people in front of us to buy tickets (so I count Joep and me also as 1 couple to get tickets). The system doesn’t work and frankly I thought those Hispanic people could just work faster. But they didn’t and we waited and waited…. But I’m sooooo happy I stayed to wait in line. The Alhambra is beautiful. Really magically and it even teared me up a bit. I know a special someone who would have loved to see the gardens in full bloom. So I kept on making pictures for the ones who knew him… Which still makes me happy to see all those pictures and little videofragments I’ve made.
26th of June: Dragonflies. They look so fragile and beautiful. Just wonderful when you come across one.
27th of June: Like I have told you before: wish we had some more siesta’s round here… In Spain they have siesta during the day (right after their meal from 2-4 they will have a siesta). I love napping and I love it even more like this. With the heat outside and just lying a bit in bed, thinking, dreaming, sleeping a bit. Makes you feel more energetic afterwards!
28th of June: Architecture is just one of the things I am fascinated about. I am no expert but when I go on holidays, I simply love to see a beautiful building which is typically for that region. Or has a historic background (so you understand I’m not a fan of modern architecture). Well where we were, you had lots of them and that made me quite happy 🙂
29th of June: There’s no place like home. Really. I hate going home, to say goodbye to my holidays but I also love coming home. Because that’s the place where I am happy and feel comfortable.
30th of June: Last day of the month ladies and gentlemen! And today was shopping time!! Everything is on sale and I bought myself new bikinis and new shoes. And it wasn’t too expensive – The sale really worked for me.
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Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
Welkom op mijn slow living blog Mrs.Stilletto over
*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
Vanwege mijn persoonlijke ervaring met slow living deel ik mijn slow living lifestyle artikelen op dit blog met landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken in de hoofdrol.
Heb je vragen of wil je contact met mij opnemen? Mail me hier: info(at)mrsstilletto.nl
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