Favourite songs – Recent times
So from these oldies, I will go back to some more music from ’these’ days in the next post about my favourite songs.
Mixable music
The song that I always think that DJ’s SHOULD mix in on festivals or events is: Sweet dreams by the Eurythmics:
Memories music / music in the car
Keane is always a good idea. I remember they weren’t that famous yet and I was already completely in love with their songs. At the festival we were at people didn’t really know them so that gave me the opportunity to stand in front of the stage! My boyfriend likes their music too and we always have their music with us on vacation.
My spiritual song
My spiritual song (by Eddie Vedder – Better Days) which belongs to the movie Eat Pray Love (which is funny because I didn’t like the book and I think the movie was mwah):
Tough girl
Rufus Wainwright
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Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
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*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
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