19 – Secondhand black and yellow slingbacks
I got these shoes from my nephew’s wife. They were going on a worldtrip and they needed to size down the wardrobes and all their other stuff. She liked these shoes so much but told me that they didn’t quite fit her. If I wanted to have them? Hell yes! These are so much fun and I am thankful that she wanted to gift these to me. They come with a handbag too. That makes you even more happy, right?
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Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
Welkom op mijn slow living blog Mrs.Stilletto over
*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
Vanwege mijn persoonlijke ervaring met slow living deel ik mijn slow living lifestyle artikelen op dit blog met landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken in de hoofdrol.
Heb je vragen of wil je contact met mij opnemen? Mail me hier: info(at)mrsstilletto.nl
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