20 – Suede stars sandals
I bought these at the Zara Home department in The Hague. I wasn’t really looking for these, but I can’t have any sandals that stick between my toes. It hurts too much so I always have sandals like these. They are made of suede and I have walked in them at so many different places. I bought them in 2012, together with my mom on a personal get-away. My mother is actually from Rijswijk, near The Hague and has worked in The Hague for quite some time. She even met my father there. So when we went there in 2012, when my father just passed away only half a year before that, it was nice to let her show me all the places they had gone to and to see that many of their memories were still alive. I wear these sandals every summer and they are in my luggage on every summery trip I take. You can see where my feet most hit these sandals 🙂
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Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
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*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
Vanwege mijn persoonlijke ervaring met slow living deel ik mijn slow living lifestyle artikelen op dit blog met landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken in de hoofdrol.
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