30 – Fun pump with alligator skin pattern
Yes, these I bought in Zevenbergen. During my lunch break, at the end of my career at the travel agency I used to work for. The village it was in was getting pimped and so they gained a super fun shoe shop. I was happy of course, like this I could Always (window) shop during my lunch break. And all of a sudden there they were: On sale. The sales lady said: They aren’t ready for this here yet. But Nancy was! I bought them in no time. The pattern, the lacque, the short heel. I find them all so cool. This pump is super fun.
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Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
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*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
Vanwege mijn persoonlijke ervaring met slow living deel ik mijn slow living lifestyle artikelen op dit blog met landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken in de hoofdrol.
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