40 – Snake skin leather mary janes
Again Paris and Sale. I thought I didn’t need anything, so I walked passed the soldes. But my mom was there with me at that moment and said to me that I had to take a peek. These shoes were sold for nearly nothing! So, we went in. All shoes were being sold for only €15 a pair. Even these snake leather Mary Janes. HELLLOOO!!! As a mad woman I was running to the section with my size (because petite French woman in width but big Dutch girl in length of my feet and because of this Bonjour! The whole section was mine alone) while all Parisiennes were almost pulling hairs at the section for size 36 to 38. Euforic as I became, I was trying almost every shoe available. Thankfully my mother stepped in, so eventually I walked out with two pairs of shoes. And this is one pair of them.
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Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
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*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
Vanwege mijn persoonlijke ervaring met slow living deel ik mijn slow living lifestyle artikelen op dit blog met landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken in de hoofdrol.
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