20 augustus
Well, sometimes it’s quite hard to say what made you happy, I must admit. Actually right now it is because I can tell you about several things I love! I’m sure I will come to a point I don’t know anything about that day which was pure bliss, hopefully it will take a loooong time Lees verder
19 augustus
19th of August I had to laugh (softly) in myself because of the following thing: during lunchbreak I enjoyed the sun and saw a woman leaving her house and stepping into her car. The driveway was slightly curved and I could tell by the way she drove her car, she had trouble getting of her Lees verder
18 augustus
18th of August was quite a weird day with highs and lows. But since I’m focusing on the positive things in life I would like to mention the highs of the day. Yesterday it started pouring with rain when I drove home. At the same time the sun shined heavily. I thought it was wonderful Lees verder
17 augustus
17th of August gave me a smile on my face when I drove home with the sun shining on my face with the song Ain’t got No – I’ve got Live of Nina Simone. It’s one of my favourite songs, though she hasn’t got anything, she still has got something: Life. I think it’s a Lees verder
16 augustus
The 16th of August my little happiness was: walking with my bare feet in the grass. I needed to mow the grass and I took a bit of advantage of it by walking on the grass first with my bare feet. I always loved the feeling of it. (And my dad made that special little Lees verder
15 augustus
It made me so happy that after a really hard day with a lot of emotions to go to a restaurant in my city I have never been to; Hooihuis. I had lamb and we ate in the garden of the restaurant. For the dessert we went inside because it got a little chilly. And Lees verder
14 Augustus
On the 14th of August there actually were several things that made me happy, but I will only mention one. Finally the caravan and car of my father arrived at home. So I now don’t need to make any more arrangements! Everything is done! ********************************* Op 14 augustus waren er eigenlijk meerdere dingen die me Lees verder
365 Project
Hi friends! I am trying to start a new project; an one year around project to write a short blogpost every day about what made me happy that day or what makes me happy in general. Hopefully I will get through the year with an every day blogpost, though I’m sure it will be quite Lees verder
Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
Welkom op mijn slow living blog Mrs.Stilletto over
*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
Vanwege mijn persoonlijke ervaring met slow living deel ik mijn slow living lifestyle artikelen op dit blog met landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken in de hoofdrol.
Heb je vragen of wil je contact met mij opnemen? Mail me hier: info(at)mrsstilletto.nl