Wonderful days – Dit is een dag om lief te hebben
Sometimes it feels like all good things come to you in one time. You might not believe it, but finally that day has arrived that everything goes on smoothly, without problems and interruptions. You need to cherish those days since they don’t come so very often. And that kind of special day happened to me, not too long ago.
I had to start the day without my best friend, she and her sister were supposed to come but her sister got ill so that was sad but of course I understood and decided to do what I wanted to do with her. The sun was shining and I left for the flea market Les Puces at Porte de Clignancourt. Strolling along all these beautiful things made me very happy and everything was just waiting to be photographed! I wanted to take everything home with me, but my house is too small so it won’t fit but I could get some inspiration for my spring change. On the market they had wifi so I decided to check my email while standing in the sun. I had received an email from somebody with a heads up (thank you!) about a career coach who was looking for a test person, maybe, she asked, it was something that I would be up to? At first I thought: I will email her tonight, but all of a sudden I thought: why won’t I call right away? And so I did, had a really nice conversation with somebody who sounded like a really nice person and made an ‘appointment’ to meet each other. On the phone she sounded really nice and she finally said to me, that of course we had to click would we be able to have a good project together. I know she said that, but it just felt good. A step in the right direction! Afterwards I went to Pause Café to have lunch, it’s a café near Bastille. It was crowded, but I sat down on the terrace with the sun in my face. I ate a veggie burger, wrote a bit and soked the sun up and enjoyed the sounds of wineglasses and business men who had to head to the office within some time. I went to my appartment to pick up my diary. I used to write a lot in my diary, I used to like it a lot. I could just write things down that bothered me and then when I had written it all in my diary, I felt so relieved! But ever since my father passed away I haven’t even looked at my diary anymore. I just couldn’t. I have tried to write down the terrible detailded passages of his passing away but now I have already needed 5 times to do because I got so emotional I couldn’t write on. Still I decided to use this day to write the last passage down of these last hours of him on earth in the sun at parc Tuileries.
So I left with nothing but my diary and a pen and when I finally found a spot (It’s Paris Fashion Week so it’s extremely busy and almost impossible to find a chair at the parc) I started writing like a maniac and forgot about time and place when somebody walked up to me and started predicting my future. Or in any other way: gave me more insight in myself. He said he saw from far far away that I had a good heart, which shined and carried a lot of love in it, but couldn’t give too much love because I was too sad. Just like now: you are sitting in the sun and are happy but sad in your heart. That love and happiness you need to give way. (Which I thought was typically because I was writing about a very sad time in my life and later on when he asked me what I was writing and I explained, he told me: you see, I see these kind of things) That I am a person who wants to show love to a lot of people and want to make and see them happy. That I am a strong woman and for a very long time I had worked too hard and also took a lot of care about others on my shoulders because he had to stay strong. He said, because you do so, you have pain in your back many times because I have taken too many burden on my shoulders. That my boyfriend really loves me a lot and I love him too very much, we don’t have children now, but will have some day in the future probably. But in two weeks or so, up until half of April I will be thinking about somebody else. (I haven’t got the foggiest…. That would mean that I need to get to know that person within a very short period of time hahaha) And the thing I liked really much was that he said that I was a bon vivant, which means a lover of life, and I needed to let this bon vivant come back more into my life and don’t let it fade away since that makes me really happy. And I nor my boyfriend should work that hard anymore because it’s bad for our health. That I am always busy with working or thinking about my work. Where from the north of France do you come from? He asked me. I said: a little more up north, I’m from the Netherlands. He then kept on telling me that I have such a good heart, with lots of love and happiness. And you are such a good person. Afterwards he said: I will let you get back to your writing and I wish you a good day – and then he left and walked further until I couldn’t see him walking anymore amongst the others in the parc.
Wat een bijzondere dingen heb ik meegemaakt, denk ik dan. Soms gebeuren dingen écht met een reden. Wat een dag… en mijn hart opende zich weer een stukje verder.
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Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
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*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
Vanwege mijn persoonlijke ervaring met slow living deel ik mijn slow living lifestyle artikelen op dit blog met landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken in de hoofdrol.
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