Recyclen? Wat is dat?
Daar begint het gedonder al bij Dag 2 van No Impact Week… In Parijs recyclen ze niet. Ik geloof dat het vrij normaal is, want volgens mij gebeurt het ook niet in grote mate in grote steden in Nederland zoals Amsterdam en Rotterdam, maar ik vind het maar zwaar klote. Toen we aankwamen en de Lees verder
Prendre le RER – Around the city of Paris
After spending some time in Paris, you have at one point seen a lot of famous monuments and you start thinking or in this case looking outside the box.So I did, at my friend and my cousin. That’s the beauty of the city, even here I have friends living, I have friends living all over Lees verder
Consumeren of consuminderen
Gisteren ben ik begonnen met de No Impact Week, een week waarin je uitgedaagd wordt om bewuster en milieuvriendelijker te leven en dat je dit kunt doen met plezier!Het lijkt een hele uitdaging en dat wordt het ook nog wel maar de eerste dag is gelukkig “peanuts”. Hoewel ik de No Impact Week LIGHT versie Lees verder
Wonderful days – Dit is een dag om lief te hebben
Sometimes it feels like all good things come to you in one time. You might not believe it, but finally that day has arrived that everything goes on smoothly, without problems and interruptions. You need to cherish those days since they don’t come so very often. And that kind of special day happened to me, Lees verder
At Châtelet, the transition of the subway in Paris, lives an extremely smelly clochard. You can smell him from miles away and that’s not figure of speech, it’s the truth. Within 3 metres nobody wants to stand near to him. Last time he had thrown up and decided to use his sleepingbag to cover up Lees verder
Mon Dieu
It was best if they had called it the Oh My God, so Oh Mon Dieu Hopital – the creepy, filthy hospital at the Notre Dame. This time I went to a hospital in a foreign country not for me, but for my boyfriend. He wasn’t feeling well at night and fainted with a big Lees verder
Cleaning ‘lady’
So I am an expat (’s wife) at the moment. It is what it is. My boyfriend leaves the house early in the morning and after that I am all alone, in another country, unemployed. Enough reason for me to make a little celebration dance (not that he’s away, but that I can do whatever I want), Lees verder
Nancy in Paris
Good morning all, To make this weekend extra joyful I found a video on the internet. It’s time for you to wake up with croissants, jus d’orange and coffee this morning to accompany the video. But your normal breakfast will do as well.This video makes quite clear what I do and how I feel all Lees verder
Tu fais quoi?
What do you do? Or shall I say: what are you going to do? Is the most frequently asked question when I said I was going to live in Paris for two months. And here I am living it, the first two weeks are already over and we are busy with week number three. At the Lees verder
Slow living op Mrs.Stilletto met Geluk, Reizen en Duurzaamheid in de hoofdrol
Welkom op mijn slow living blog Mrs.Stilletto over
*Landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken*
Vanwege mijn persoonlijke ervaring met slow living deel ik mijn slow living lifestyle artikelen op dit blog met landelijk, groen en gelukkig leven op hoge hakken in de hoofdrol.
Heb je vragen of wil je contact met mij opnemen? Mail me hier: info(at)